Getting to know your sewing machine


3 in stock


This 4-week course for beginner sewers will take place on Thursdays 13th, 20th and 28th March and 6th April – 6.15pm-8.15pm.

The course will take you step-by-step through the dials and buttons on your machine, and you will learn how to thread the top and bottom bobbins.  Throughout the course, as you are learning to sew, you will have the opportunity to make 3 projects to develop your skills.  Don’t worry!  You will get lots of support and guidance, and there is no pressure to complete all projects – you work at your own pace.

Kits will be available shortly in our website shop, and they contain everything you need for all four weeks.  Fabric is also cut to size for you so all you have to do it concentrate on the sewing.  These are very competitively priced as our aim is to get more people sewing!

(A materials list is also emailed to all participants so that you can purchase your own fabrics etc. if you prefer.)


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